NUOVO! Dowline Builder GDI
GDI appeals to all!
I made just some simple little pages that should greatly streamline the new affiliations. So as they have, I have dubbed "GDI Downline Builders" ..
In short, since each new affiliate in GDI brings $ 1 per month, just falling in the first 5 levels, I believe that it is not a priority to deal with so many affiliate early levels, but to help new students to arrive as soon as possible to 10 members needed to go on. This is only possible by the new affiliate members under each other.
From past experience I have found that often, a person can not propose just entered the business as GDI not fair, or with the necessary security .. it follows that they pass the first month (or more) without being able to do some. It 's true, here you can usually tell who has understood that it takes time and patience .. but it is also true that many deleted accounts are not for anyone!
Conclusion: Each "take in consegna" il proprio builder, o il builder di un suo affiliato (vedi links in alto a sinistra) e cominci a proporlo al posto dell'iscrizione classica. Per maggiori info contattatemi su Skype o MSN.