Preparing for a casting
Board of beauty 27
How many of you ever having to attend a casting? So many girls often find themselves in this situation, in which as you know has a very accurate and give a picture of himself ordered. Then we see how to present the interview in the best conditions. First we take care of our clothing, it is said that the clothes do not make the Monaco but in these cases is fundamental present dressed in an appropriate manner. It'll be a good black pants, a shirt with a sweater or jacket and heels, essentially a simple but stylish clothing. Or a dress, but what I would advise is the simplicity in the first place, anything constructed or artificial, natural and try to be in dress that way to stop it with whoever is in front. Check carefully in order to have their hair and eyebrows well-maintained, make-up obviously something lighter: Just a touch of pencil, mascara, foundation cream to even out the complexion and light eyes eyeshadow in the color tone of your eyes, a light pastel colors faded. For your lips recommend a gloss to make them shiny and lightly colored. Avoid bright red lipstick. For the rest, always remember that the best way to make a good impression of you is first of all have confidence in yourself and show off your security partner. Be good and worth casting at all!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
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Herbs: Deals of the Week
Amiche Ideas of Beauty, you have no confidence in herbal medicine but want to try natural remedies? We offer a list of the best deals of the week NatSabe, the Italian herbs and most famous on-line delivery:
Amiche Ideas of Beauty, you have no confidence in herbal medicine but want to try natural remedies? We offer a list of the best deals of the week NatSabe, the Italian herbs and most famous on-line delivery:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Perrier While Pregnant
Lipstick on the fly
Beauty Tips 26
Beauty Tips 26
It happens to all first o poi nel corso della giornata siamo sicure che il nostro rossetto abbia bisogno di una ripassata , ma non abbiamo a portata di mano uno specchio per controllare che lo mettiamo correttamente. Eppure imparare a mettere il rossetto così diciamo "al volo" è più facile di quanto sembri, vediamo in concreto come.
- Innanzitutto prima di iniziare per assicurare una migliore resa del rossetto assicuriamoci che le labbra siano morbide, applicando un balsamo nutriente.
- Applichiamo il rossetto dallo stick partendo dal centro del labbro inferiore proseguendo verso gli angoli.
- Stendere il rossetto sul labbro superiore è più difficile quindi per farlo useremo il mignolo così da sentire la shape of the lip under the finger. We always start from the center going to the corners.
- To remove any excess color and dab the lips with a napkin folded. We repeat these steps if we want to give our lips a deeper color.
- For a glossy finish, apply with the fingers of clear gloss to the center of the lower lip and press lips together. Finally move your finger along the edge of the mouth to remove any burrs.
recommend Avon color trend line, a cosmetics line is also ideal for small young women, who meets the taste of all and has the advantage of offering lipstick, eye shadow, lip gloss and anything else with a good value prezzo, ideale per tutte le tasche, senza intaccare la qualità che Avon garantisce alle sue clienti.
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Calendula officinalis: the flower of beauty
Sin dall'antichità la calendula è utilizzata per le sue numerosissime proprietà medicinali. Il fiore, comunemente conosciuto come "fiorrancio" è diffuso su tutto il territorio italiano. Dal punto di vista officinale, è un ottimo regolatore del flusso mestruale e cura numerose affezioni dell'apparato genitale e svolge un'efficace azione idratante e lenitiva e, per questo, viene efficacemente impiegata nella cura di numerose malattie e disturbi della pelle.
E' una valida alternativa alle creme contro le vene varicose, calli, geloni, contusioni e altri inestetismi delle gambe. Applicate delicatamente sulle zone interessate alcune foglie fresche sminuzzate, pestate e quindi ridotte in poltiglia. Ricoprite, poi, con una garza pulita e lasciate agire per almeno 20 minuti.
Per regolarizzare il ciclo mestruale e attenuare i dolori mestruali consigliamo di bere una tazza d'infuso di fiori prima dei pasti principali; incominciate la somministrazione una settimana prima dell'inizio del ciclo e accompagnatelo con l'assunzione di 30 gocce di tintura al giorno per l'intera durata del ciclo. Per la preparazione dell' infuso versate una tazza d'acqua bollente su un cucchiaino di fiori, lasciate infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. While the drops the procedure is slightly more complex by soaking 20 g of fresh flowers in 100 ml of alcohol at 25 °. Pass 5-7 days, then filtered and stored in a bottle with a dropper cap.
For optimum nourishing cream for all those who have dry, rough skin melt a tablespoon of beeswax and add and gradually, one teaspoon of lanolin and cocoa butter have melted both previously in the meantime, allow to cool and half a teaspoon of calendula oil (I suggest you buy it ready in any herbal and pharmacies as supplied) and a teaspoon of glycerin and 1.25 ml of borax dissolved in 2 tablespoons of infusion of consolidation, and add all the mixture and continue stirring until cream has cooled quad, Unit 6 drops of oil essence of petit-grain (also for sale in herbal medicine). You can then apply the cream as usual on the skin smooth and dry.
For strengthening tonic to give body and shine to hair add 6 drops of essential oil of calendula to 2 tablespoons almond oil, after having warmed the mixture versiamone a small amount on hand. Good rub the scalp with the mixture and repeat if necessary twice the application. Cover the head with an aluminum foil and a shower cap, wrap in a towel wrung out of hot water (replacing it as it cools) relax and wait for 20-30 minutes to facilitate penetration of the tonic. Following wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Sin dall'antichità la calendula è utilizzata per le sue numerosissime proprietà medicinali. Il fiore, comunemente conosciuto come "fiorrancio" è diffuso su tutto il territorio italiano. Dal punto di vista officinale, è un ottimo regolatore del flusso mestruale e cura numerose affezioni dell'apparato genitale e svolge un'efficace azione idratante e lenitiva e, per questo, viene efficacemente impiegata nella cura di numerose malattie e disturbi della pelle.
E' una valida alternativa alle creme contro le vene varicose, calli, geloni, contusioni e altri inestetismi delle gambe. Applicate delicatamente sulle zone interessate alcune foglie fresche sminuzzate, pestate e quindi ridotte in poltiglia. Ricoprite, poi, con una garza pulita e lasciate agire per almeno 20 minuti.
Per regolarizzare il ciclo mestruale e attenuare i dolori mestruali consigliamo di bere una tazza d'infuso di fiori prima dei pasti principali; incominciate la somministrazione una settimana prima dell'inizio del ciclo e accompagnatelo con l'assunzione di 30 gocce di tintura al giorno per l'intera durata del ciclo. Per la preparazione dell' infuso versate una tazza d'acqua bollente su un cucchiaino di fiori, lasciate infuse for 10 minutes, then strain. While the drops the procedure is slightly more complex by soaking 20 g of fresh flowers in 100 ml of alcohol at 25 °. Pass 5-7 days, then filtered and stored in a bottle with a dropper cap.
For optimum nourishing cream for all those who have dry, rough skin melt a tablespoon of beeswax and add and gradually, one teaspoon of lanolin and cocoa butter have melted both previously in the meantime, allow to cool and half a teaspoon of calendula oil (I suggest you buy it ready in any herbal and pharmacies as supplied) and a teaspoon of glycerin and 1.25 ml of borax dissolved in 2 tablespoons of infusion of consolidation, and add all the mixture and continue stirring until cream has cooled quad, Unit 6 drops of oil essence of petit-grain (also for sale in herbal medicine). You can then apply the cream as usual on the skin smooth and dry.
For strengthening tonic to give body and shine to hair add 6 drops of essential oil of calendula to 2 tablespoons almond oil, after having warmed the mixture versiamone a small amount on hand. Good rub the scalp with the mixture and repeat if necessary twice the application. Cover the head with an aluminum foil and a shower cap, wrap in a towel wrung out of hot water (replacing it as it cools) relax and wait for 20-30 minutes to facilitate penetration of the tonic. Following wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
If you marvel at this advice of his grandmother, and doubt their effectiveness will tell you a secret: clinical and pharmacological show that the buffer in calendula essential oils, carotenes, beta-carotene, calendulina, saponins and mucilage extracted and used by the big cosmetic houses for the creation of their products ...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Older Women Wearing Short Shorts
brittle nails
Beauty Tips 25
Beauty Tips 25
The problem of brittle nails is very common among women and can and tory caused by several factors, such as anemia, a lack of vitamins, iron deficiency or the use of chemical solvents. We can find help in foods such as cereals, legumes, fish, dairy products. Here, however, a series of treatments that we can try. Must be followed for at least a month and then interrupted to achieve the desired effect. From then resume again after a couple of months. Let us consider:
- LEMON WRAPS : Prepare a mixture with olive oil (50 ml) and 20-30 drops of essential oil of lemon. Soak nails for about 10 minutes days in a small amount.
- NAIL CREAM : Take 50 ml of base cream purchased in farmaciae join it with 10 drops of lemon essential oil, 10 drops of sage, lavender 5, 5 to 15 tea tree oil and olive oil.
- INFUSION STRENGTHENING : Prepare a tea made of nettle, horsetail and yarrow in equal parts. Pour mixture of 5-10 g in a cup of hot water, strain and drink 2-3 times a day. This remedy works from the inside.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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Flowers Health: Poppy
The poppy was already known in ancient and revered as a sacred plant since the times of the Sumerians, the Greeks and Romani per le sue proprietà medicinali e il suo colore intenso. La pianta è originaria del Mediterraneo orientale, in Italia è assai comune in tutto il territorio fino a un'altitudine di 1800 m. Il fusto, ramificato e setoso è alto fino a 60 cm e contiene un lattice biancastro dal potere narcotico e dal sapore aspro, mentre i fiori, color rosso scarlatto con centro scuro svolgono un'azione sedativa, calmante, antispasmodica, emolliente e favorisce la sudorazione in caso di stati febbrili. E' efficace soprattutto nelle coliche, negli stati ansiosi, nelle tonsilliti, nelle bronchiti e in particolare nella tosse nervosa.
Le proprietà contenute nelle foglie di papavero sono molto utili per la cura di tali disturbi. Preparate un decotto portando ad ebollizione un litro d'acqua, aggiungere 5 g di petali essiccati, lasciar bollire per 10 minuti, quindi togliere dal fuoco, lasciare raffreddare e poi filtrare e conservare in una bottiglia di vetro scuro. Somministrate 1-3 cucchiai di tale sciroppo al giorno (bambini) o 3-5 cucchiai (adulti). Nel caso di bambini particolarmente nervosi o insonni, dopo aver consultato il pediatra, somministrate un infuso di petali a cucchiai durante la giornata. Per preparare un ottimo infuso di petali è sufficiente sminuzzare in un mortaio un cucchiaino di petali essiccati e metterli in infusione, per alcuni minuti, in una tazzina d'acqua bollente.
Drink 2-3 cups of decoction per day (see preparation in the preceding paragraph) or replace it with a syrup to be taken 3 times daily after meals. For the preparation of by soaking syrup 5 tablespoons of dried petals and finely chopped in half a liter of hot water after 10 minutes, strain and slowly add 800 grams of sugar dissolved in hot but not boiling.
CARE with colic
necessary Drink a cup of decoction of the petals once a day before lunch.
Beauty Tips: For a fresh complexion and rested.
Soak a handful of dried petals in a pint of boiling water for fifteen minutes and then wash the face at night before bedtime. Within a few days your skin will be softer and more cells receive a greater impetus for renewal resulting in a more youthful and luminous complexion.
The poppy was already known in ancient and revered as a sacred plant since the times of the Sumerians, the Greeks and Romani per le sue proprietà medicinali e il suo colore intenso. La pianta è originaria del Mediterraneo orientale, in Italia è assai comune in tutto il territorio fino a un'altitudine di 1800 m. Il fusto, ramificato e setoso è alto fino a 60 cm e contiene un lattice biancastro dal potere narcotico e dal sapore aspro, mentre i fiori, color rosso scarlatto con centro scuro svolgono un'azione sedativa, calmante, antispasmodica, emolliente e favorisce la sudorazione in caso di stati febbrili. E' efficace soprattutto nelle coliche, negli stati ansiosi, nelle tonsilliti, nelle bronchiti e in particolare nella tosse nervosa.
Le proprietà contenute nelle foglie di papavero sono molto utili per la cura di tali disturbi. Preparate un decotto portando ad ebollizione un litro d'acqua, aggiungere 5 g di petali essiccati, lasciar bollire per 10 minuti, quindi togliere dal fuoco, lasciare raffreddare e poi filtrare e conservare in una bottiglia di vetro scuro. Somministrate 1-3 cucchiai di tale sciroppo al giorno (bambini) o 3-5 cucchiai (adulti). Nel caso di bambini particolarmente nervosi o insonni, dopo aver consultato il pediatra, somministrate un infuso di petali a cucchiai durante la giornata. Per preparare un ottimo infuso di petali è sufficiente sminuzzare in un mortaio un cucchiaino di petali essiccati e metterli in infusione, per alcuni minuti, in una tazzina d'acqua bollente.
Drink 2-3 cups of decoction per day (see preparation in the preceding paragraph) or replace it with a syrup to be taken 3 times daily after meals. For the preparation of by soaking syrup 5 tablespoons of dried petals and finely chopped in half a liter of hot water after 10 minutes, strain and slowly add 800 grams of sugar dissolved in hot but not boiling.
CARE with colic
necessary Drink a cup of decoction of the petals once a day before lunch.
Beauty Tips: For a fresh complexion and rested.
Soak a handful of dried petals in a pint of boiling water for fifteen minutes and then wash the face at night before bedtime. Within a few days your skin will be softer and more cells receive a greater impetus for renewal resulting in a more youthful and luminous complexion.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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Beauty Tips 24
to make our lips so much brighter than any we can think of to apply a gloss to the fruit taste. How many of you know, a good gloss to the lips can help to give that present a more subtle look more full, the gloss color must be intense and dense. Obviously the problem of gloss is that its application will be repeated throughout the day because it does not guarantee the life of a lipstick. Caution: Do not tighten too much lip gloss because that push beyond the boundary giving the lips a natural effect "smeared". The nuances of fruit not only to give lips shine but also make the eyes and cheeks. How to choose?
Beauty Tips 24
to make our lips so much brighter than any we can think of to apply a gloss to the fruit taste. How many of you know, a good gloss to the lips can help to give that present a more subtle look more full, the gloss color must be intense and dense. Obviously the problem of gloss is that its application will be repeated throughout the day because it does not guarantee the life of a lipstick. Caution: Do not tighten too much lip gloss because that push beyond the boundary giving the lips a natural effect "smeared". The nuances of fruit not only to give lips shine but also make the eyes and cheeks. How to choose?
- COLD COLOURS: If you have a cool skin tones, you should choose fruits like blueberries and blackberries. You can use eye shadows in sensual shades of blue, gray, purple. Frame eyes with a blue eye liner. Why not try on the eyelashes alternative to black: a beautiful silver mascara?
- HOT COLORS: If you have fair skin tones warm gloss to test the taste of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, on the face a rosy blush and eye shadows with pink and beige. Purple mascara on the lashes a load.
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Lips Tips for make-up artist
Beauty Tips 23
Sometimes we do not like some features of our face, a nose too large, a double chin, forehead too high. Rather than being constantly worry about, think of some little secret to make them less obvious. How can we do? Thanks to a makeup that enhances the features and draws attention sui tratti migliori, smorzando i segni più marcati. I make-up artist usano questi trucchi per far apparire le modelle perfette, quando in realtà come tutti quanti non lo sono perchè in realtà perfetto non lo è nessuno. Ognuna di noi nasconde tante piccole imperfezioni, che però possono attirare, possono rappresentare una particolarità in mezzo a tante altre. Ecco allora alcune astuzie da make-up artist:
Sometimes we do not like some features of our face, a nose too large, a double chin, forehead too high. Rather than being constantly worry about, think of some little secret to make them less obvious. How can we do? Thanks to a makeup that enhances the features and draws attention sui tratti migliori, smorzando i segni più marcati. I make-up artist usano questi trucchi per far apparire le modelle perfette, quando in realtà come tutti quanti non lo sono perchè in realtà perfetto non lo è nessuno. Ognuna di noi nasconde tante piccole imperfezioni, che però possono attirare, possono rappresentare una particolarità in mezzo a tante altre. Ecco allora alcune astuzie da make-up artist:
- Impariamo ad usare piccole quantità di trucco per uniformare i lineamenti e poi a sfumare il tutto, abbasso l'effetto maschera per coprire eventuali imperfezioni cutanee, questo modo non del tutto ortodosso di truccarsi tende solo ad enfatizzarle di più e a trasmettere un aspetto poco naturale.
- Remember that fade more shades of color to achieve the desired effect may be fine but remember that in daylight these colors are more visible, so you should avoid "zebra".
- For evening make-up should be applied under artificial light and a more pronounced, otherwise you will have an effect too weak and therefore ineffective.
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Bach flowers : Clematis
We speak today of Clematis, another of flowers discovered by Bach.
SYMPTOMS: This flower will be useful in cases where there is a tendency to daydream, to escape into fantasy, showing little interest in the reality that surrounds us.
ACTION: The remedy helps to connect the physical world with the soul.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBJECT: Search refuge in a fantasy world, escaping from normal life that seems trivial.
E 'distracted, sleepy, it drops the objects for distraction.
tends to spend the money on frivolous things.
E 'posted about him can not be counted.
E 'quiet but not happy, it makes little effort to be really good.
THE FLOWER REMEDY: It helps to recognize and develop their creativity.
promotes personal fulfillment. Report
thoughts in check.
helps develop a sense of practicality.
If you answer YES to at least one of the questions that we propose for the flower remedy means that you need.
Act so often confused?
forget everything, even the important things?
Daydreams the love?
We speak today of Clematis, another of flowers discovered by Bach.
SYMPTOMS: This flower will be useful in cases where there is a tendency to daydream, to escape into fantasy, showing little interest in the reality that surrounds us.
ACTION: The remedy helps to connect the physical world with the soul.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBJECT: Search refuge in a fantasy world, escaping from normal life that seems trivial.
E 'distracted, sleepy, it drops the objects for distraction.
tends to spend the money on frivolous things.
E 'posted about him can not be counted.
E 'quiet but not happy, it makes little effort to be really good.
THE FLOWER REMEDY: It helps to recognize and develop their creativity.
promotes personal fulfillment. Report
thoughts in check.
helps develop a sense of practicality.
If you answer YES to at least one of the questions that we propose for the flower remedy means that you need.
Act so often confused?
forget everything, even the important things?
Daydreams the love?
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buttocks in the form
Beauty Tips 22
If there is a part of the body that haunts women, is often the buttocks. Certainly a nice butt and slim toned woman make you feel happy and proud of her body, but often the opposite can swallow tone of those who take health and beauty of the body. Undoubtedly, the buttocks are genetically predisposed to the accumulation of excess fat, everything is much worse by our sedentary lifestyles (our enemies to avoid the car, desk, couch). How to fight the "flabby" consequential to this? For immediate results we see five key words to improve the appearance of our buttocks.
Beauty Tips 22
If there is a part of the body that haunts women, is often the buttocks. Certainly a nice butt and slim toned woman make you feel happy and proud of her body, but often the opposite can swallow tone of those who take health and beauty of the body. Undoubtedly, the buttocks are genetically predisposed to the accumulation of excess fat, everything is much worse by our sedentary lifestyles (our enemies to avoid the car, desk, couch). How to fight the "flabby" consequential to this? For immediate results we see five key words to improve the appearance of our buttocks.
- EXFOLIATION - For a silky skin in the shower scrub will apply a medium grain with circular movements.
- PURIFY - should drink at least a liter of water and a cup of green tea every day to remove toxins and make the skin brighter and softer.
- RASSODARE - Facciamo questo esercizio: Contraiamo i glutei da seduti per qualche secondo ripetendo varie volte.
- RADDRIZZARE LA POSTURA - La schiena curva fa sembrare il fondoschiena più grande per chi se lo vede già un pò troppo tondo.
- SOSTENERE - I pantaloni troppo stretti tagliano i glutei a metà e ingrandiscono il sedere. Bisogna vestire la taglia giusta.
Avon consiglia il nuovo trattamento Anew Clinical line to make the skin more toned, firm and revitalized and cellulite from the same line on offer at only 23 € (see photo above). How good is the scrub instead of the line Planet Spa
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