Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How To Soften New Duvet Cover
You are all invited ... Even ItaliaIn Modugno celebrates the unity of the celebration of the sesquicentennial of the Unity of Italy the Department of Culture City of Modugno, in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Modugno, we consider it necessary and appropriate to celebrate this anniversary by promoting events that involve the entire citizenry through its most significant expressions, organized as per the attached program, thirteen initiatives with the support of institutions cittadine.Il rich program and associations of various kinds of initiatives (exhibitions, historic documents and pictures, paintings and artistic, literary meetings, concerts of patriotic music and opera performances) started March 5 and will end on 16 aprile.Il celebratory climax will take place on the afternoon of March 17, National Day, in Piazza seat with the involvement of students in middle and high schools modugnesi in a show about characters and moments reminiscent of the Renaissance and Unita 'd'Italy. The calendar of events proposed plans to propose to the citizens and not just moments of reflection on liberal values \u200b\u200bconnected to the unit 'of Italy, alla riscoperta della storia risorgimentale e delle sue testimonianze legate al territorio, al rinsaldamento dello spirito identitario della nazione, soprattutto nelle nuove generazioni, alla valorizzazione del territorio, delle sue risorse umane e dei suoi talenti, alla promozione dello spirito di collaborazione e di unione tra istituzione comunale, associazioni e cittadinanza modugnese su temi e valori condivisi. Prossime manifestazioni in programma: MERCOLEDÌ 16 - DOMENICA 30 MARZOMostra iconografica-documentariaPresso: Palazzo Regia Corte (Ex Direzione), Piazzetta La Corte. Inaugurazione: ore 18.00. Aperture: ore 10.00-12.30, 18.00-20.00Collaborazioni: Archivio di Stat di Bari,“L’UNITA’ RACCONTA. MEMORIE DOCUMENTALI RISORGIMENTALI”.A cura di: Pro Loco, Archeoclub di Modugno (Michele Ventrella, Anna Gernone, Nicola Conte).Mostra di documenti dell’Archivio storico del Comune di Modugno, concessi dall’Archivio di Stato di Bari, accresciuti da esemplari concessi da privati cittadini modugnesi.Mostra di pitturaPresso: Palazzo del Sedile (sede Pro Loco), P.zza Sedile, 22 Inaugurazione: ore 19.00. Aperture: feriali ore 18.00-21.00, festivi 10-30-12.30, 18.00-21.00.Collaborazione: Assoc. “Le Tre Impronte” di Modugno.“L’UNITA’ D’ITALIA IN ARTE: LIBERTA’ E SENTIMENTO PATRIOTTICO”.A cura di: Pro Loco (Vito Monacelli e Giuseppe Trentadue).Artisti soci delle due associazioni esporranno i loro lavori pittorici.Mostra Craft artisticoPresso: Association Cairoli, 52, Via Cairoli, 52. Opening: 19.00. Opening hours: 10.00-12.00, 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Journal naz. "The Knave", Assoc. veterans Blue Ribbon, "Association Cairoli, 52." MEMORY BECOMES PRESENCE: THE ITALIAN UNIFORMS OF LAST THREE CENTURIES "Posted by: Gianni Savino and Mazzoccoli Vignola.Esposizione statuettes of papier mache artist Gianni Lecce Mazzoccoli. Thursday 17 MARZOEvento celebrativoPresso: P.zza Seat, 22. Opening hours: 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Orchestra band "F. Casavola "SMS. F. Casavola, F. D'Assisi, D. Alighieri and ITC T. Fiore di Modugno. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ITALY! National Day. "Posted by: Pro Loco (Michele Ventrella, Franco Corriero). Excursus sang and acted on episodes and characters and historical Risorgimento Unit italiana.VENERDÌ MARZOConcertoPresso 18: Palace of Culture" Perrone, Piazza Umberto I. Opening hours: 20.00.Collaborazioni: Wind Orchestra of Santa Cecilia. "UNITY: THE ITALIAN IN MUSIC: SONGS AND NINETEENTH patriotic reasons." Posted by: The Department Cultura.Canti and patriotic music performed by the Wind of Santa Cecilia, conducted by Maestro Gennaro hiss, with the participation of soprano Antonella Giovine, the tenor Giovanni Mazzone and performance of the choir of the Mother Church. Sunday 20 MARZOConcerto liricoPresso: Palace of Culture "Perrone, Piazza Umberto I. Hours: 20.00. "GREEN FOR VOICE AND PIANO RECITAL. Edited by: Department of IP and Assets Culturali.Esecuzione of famous arias from Verdi operas, inspired by the Renaissance, performed by soprano Daniela Diomede, accompanied on the piano by Maestro Vitantonio Caroli . Saturday 26 MARZOConferenzaPresso: Conference room of the Circle "Edmondo De Amicis" Modugno, Piazza De Amicis. Hours: 17.30.Collaborazioni: Associazione Culturale Porta D'Oriente - Free Development and The Mediterranean Club De Amicis. "UNITA 'OF ITALY in the South" by: Concetta Fazio Bonina and Margaret BiscottiIncontro with the author Dr. Lino Patruno, journalist and writer, author of "The focus of the South" 2011.Concerto-spettacoloPresso Auditorium ITC T. Fiore. Hours: 20.00.IL LIVING IN MUSIC ' Nineteenth Century "Edited by: IP and Cultural Heritage Department. Risorgimento period music authors Puglia: the modugnese Saverio Nicola Faenza and Francesco triggianese Addante.Interpreti: Giulia Colapietro, mezzo-soprano, Anna Giannelli, pianist, Ada Martella, actress and dancer costumes, Mark Wine, dancer, Rocco Capri Chiamarulo, by stage, Anna Garofalo, heading off, "Valerie Canosa and Assunta Fanuli, coreografe.SABATO 2 - Friday 15 APRILEM ostra artisticaPresso Palace Royal Court (Ex Directorate), the Court Square. Opening: 19.00. Opening hours: 10.00-12.00, 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Assoc. FIDAPA Section Modugno. "COLORS OF ITALY." Will display works of contemporary art (painting, sculpture, installations) of Apulian artists.
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The Bonfire of St. Joseph
The traditional bonfire and traditional zeppole
Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 20.00C.da Iannella - Locorotondo
Start another year of folklore and gastronomy tipica a Locorotondo, nella cornice delle sue splendide 146 contrade. Sabato 19 marzo 2011, in C.da Iannella a Locorotondo, si inaugura il nuovo anno di attività dell'Associazione Il Paese delle Contrade con la presentazione del Palio delle Contrade 2011, in cui le contrade, suddivise in otto macro-aree, si cimentano durante l'anno in una serie di giochi tradizionali e gare gastronomiche. “Si è scelto il 19 marzo per ripartire con una delle manifestazioni più popolari del paese, ovvero il Falò di San Giuseppe, - dichiara Paolo Basile, Presidente dell'Associazione Il Paese delle Contrade - in cui la gente si raccoglie attorno ad un fuoco vigoroso, alimentato con sterpaglie e scarti di potatura.”Durante la serata, intorno al fuoco in the large yard, will be awarded the macro-area winner of the Palio and Contrada 2010 resolutions can be tasty traditional dishes prepared with a Km 0, accompanied by a good local wine, fruit of the vineyards of the districts Locorotondo, in addition to the notes donuts, the typical sweet of the day of San Giuseppe. "starts again for another year that promises to start a closer collaboration between citizens and associations - Basile claims - to fuel tourism while away the summer months and to promote local products from the boundaries of the country. "The main areas are: the Green Area for dell'Acanto districts, the area for the districts dell'Anemone Celeste, the yellow area to the quarters of the cysts, Blue Area per le contrade della Malva, l'Area Avorio per le contrade del Croco, l'Area Arancio per le contrade dell'Orchidea, l'Area Rossa per le contrade della Peonia e l'Area Fucsia per le contrade del Ciclamino.
Friday, March 11, 2011
How To Make A Curtain Rod For My Clawfoot Tub
150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy
16 Marzo – 2 Giugno Ist. di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “S. Benedetto”
150º Anniversario Unità d’Italia
Mostra di documenti storici dal 1840 al 1870
Public Library "M. Marangelli "
Opens: Wed, March 16 10:30
March 16 to March 31 Centro Studi M. Marangelli and National History Society for Puglia -
Chamber of Conversano-Noicattaro
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
Show: "RISORGIMENTO AND UNITS OF ITALY "- Documents from the South
Cloister of the Public Library "M. Marangelli "
Opening: March 16 at 18:00 c / o former Church of St. Joseph
16 and 17 March TOWN Conversely, the National Association of Italian Municipalities, Prefecture Tourist Association and Bari 'Pro Loco'
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
opening hours of museums and cultural spaces
March 19 People's University of the Third Age
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
Hon Luciano Violante will speak about
Reflections on the Italian state 150 years after his birth
Hall Forum Archive Diocesan Library 'D. More '
at 18:00
16 Marzo – 2 Giugno Ist. di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “S. Benedetto”
150º Anniversario Unità d’Italia
Mostra di documenti storici dal 1840 al 1870
Public Library "M. Marangelli "
Opens: Wed, March 16 10:30
March 16 to March 31 Centro Studi M. Marangelli and National History Society for Puglia -
Chamber of Conversano-Noicattaro
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
Show: "RISORGIMENTO AND UNITS OF ITALY "- Documents from the South
Cloister of the Public Library "M. Marangelli "
Opening: March 16 at 18:00 c / o former Church of St. Joseph
16 and 17 March TOWN Conversely, the National Association of Italian Municipalities, Prefecture Tourist Association and Bari 'Pro Loco'
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
opening hours of museums and cultural spaces
March 19 People's University of the Third Age
150th Anniversary Unity of Italy
Hon Luciano Violante will speak about
Reflections on the Italian state 150 years after his birth
Hall Forum Archive Diocesan Library 'D. More '
at 18:00
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Painful Glands And Alcoholism
will be held today, Thursday March 10 at 21.00 in Conversano at the House of Arts the play "From Medea-life in prison for four women who killed their children" of the Society of Marienbad directed by Pasquale D `Attoma Fanizzi under the auspices of the City of Conversano-Department for Cultural Policy. "From Medea - Life in prison 4 women who killed their children" is the story of life in a prison psychiatric records of four women found guilty of the crime more difficult to accept: that of filicide. Guilty / innocent, their condition is `an act of accusation against a society that creates monsters and then giudicarli.Questo show becomes, quindi, il coraggioso tentativo di comprenderle oltre ogni cliché e pregiudizio, offrendo al pubblico l’umanità di quattro donne apparentemente senza via d’uscita.La riflessione sulla maternità, sulla famiglia, la delicatezza e la spregiudicatezza, l’intensità di queste esperienze di vita – tra confessione e messinscena – coinvolgono e spaventano, emozionano e insegnano: il dramma antico, indissolubilmente legato alla contemporaneità, svela ancora una volta, come può essere ostinato e resistente il cuore di una donna.Dopo lo spettacolo sarà proiettato il film collettivo "Siamo Donne" del 1953.Il film è diviso in cinque parti, la prima è un prologo, le successive quattro raccontano special episodes of the lives of four famous actresses: Alida Valli, Ingrid Bergman, Isa Miranda and Anna Magnani.I directors who have directed five episodes are: Roberto Rossellini, Luchino Visconti, Luigi Zampa, Gianni and Alfredo Guarini Francioilini.Posto single package including theater and film 7 €. Book at
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Feast of St. Joseph, 2011 - Conversano
16 to 19 March 2011
With the participation of artisan associations
Week program
Wednesday, March 16
start of the Triduum is presided over by Fr Henry Monfrecola, SDV
17.30 S. Rosario
18.00 S. Mass
Thursday, March 17
9.30 Visit the sick
17.30 Adoration for Vocations
Ore 18.00 S. Messa
Venerdì 18 Marzo
Ore 9.30 Direzione Spirituale e Confessione
Ore 17.30 S. Rosario
Ore 18.00 S. Messa
Ore 19.30 Conferenza: Don Giustino Russolillo: 'The Apostle of Universal Sanctification "
Rapporteur: Very Rev.mo MARIO CAVALERA SDV
Saturday, March 19 the Feast of St. Joseph
8.30 am S. Mass
10.30 S. Mass
12.00 am S. Celebration at the Glass Norba (located in Via Catanzaro) : For Craftsmen and all the faithful.
18.00 S. Solemn Mass in honor of St. Joseph presided over by Monsignor Vito Rev.mo Fusillo, Vicar General of the Diocese of Conversano - Monopoly.
19.30 Procession in honor of St. Joseph - with the participation of 'Wind Ensemble of the "Banda Cupersanum with the following itinerary:
Church - Central Square of the Resistance - Via Lago di Sassano - Via Divisione Aqui - Martyrs via Fani - Via Neviera - Attr. Via Matteotti - Via San Leonardo - Via Roma - Via XXIV Maggio - Via della Vittoria - Via Ronchi - Attr. Via Bari - Via delle Forche - Via Meucci - Via Guglielmi - Via Lovecchio - Via Cimarosa - Attr. Via Bari - Via Mucedola - Church.
Please illuminate and decorate the houses during the procession.
civilian program
Festival of zeppole
Fishing Charity
20.30 Fires on the ground of the company Bruscello and Pelicans and Modugno
's system of lights Paciello will be furnished by the Company of Monopoly
L 'floral decorations will be furnished by firms: Cloris Garden, Hall of Flowers, flower to flower of Conversano.
16 to 19 March 2011
With the participation of artisan associations
Week program
Wednesday, March 16
start of the Triduum is presided over by Fr Henry Monfrecola, SDV
17.30 S. Rosario
18.00 S. Mass
Thursday, March 17
9.30 Visit the sick
17.30 Adoration for Vocations
Ore 18.00 S. Messa
Venerdì 18 Marzo
Ore 9.30 Direzione Spirituale e Confessione
Ore 17.30 S. Rosario
Ore 18.00 S. Messa
Ore 19.30 Conferenza: Don Giustino Russolillo: 'The Apostle of Universal Sanctification "
Rapporteur: Very Rev.mo MARIO CAVALERA SDV
Saturday, March 19 the Feast of St. Joseph
8.30 am S. Mass
10.30 S. Mass
12.00 am S. Celebration at the Glass Norba (located in Via Catanzaro) : For Craftsmen and all the faithful.
18.00 S. Solemn Mass in honor of St. Joseph presided over by Monsignor Vito Rev.mo Fusillo, Vicar General of the Diocese of Conversano - Monopoly.
19.30 Procession in honor of St. Joseph - with the participation of 'Wind Ensemble of the "Banda Cupersanum with the following itinerary:
Church - Central Square of the Resistance - Via Lago di Sassano - Via Divisione Aqui - Martyrs via Fani - Via Neviera - Attr. Via Matteotti - Via San Leonardo - Via Roma - Via XXIV Maggio - Via della Vittoria - Via Ronchi - Attr. Via Bari - Via delle Forche - Via Meucci - Via Guglielmi - Via Lovecchio - Via Cimarosa - Attr. Via Bari - Via Mucedola - Church.
Please illuminate and decorate the houses during the procession.
civilian program
Festival of zeppole
Fishing Charity
20.30 Fires on the ground of the company Bruscello and Pelicans and Modugno
's system of lights Paciello will be furnished by the Company of Monopoly
L 'floral decorations will be furnished by firms: Cloris Garden, Hall of Flowers, flower to flower of Conversano.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Carnival's last hours .... Putignano
today, Shrove Tuesday, March 8 closes the Carnevale.Si begins at 11 am with the conference WOMEN IN COMEDY former slaughterhouse and continue to 15 Torino49 Stadium with the football match with almost serious for charitable purposes between the team FARINELLA of Putignano is one of the Priests of the carnival. In the late afternoon (19) still dances, masks, food and wine in bassi, sempre con i N’DE JOS’R e il QUARTO CORSO MASCHERATO, in notturna, prima del FUNERALE DEL CARNEVALE per le vie del centro. In un’atmosfera tutt’altro che funebre, un corteo attraversa le vie cittadine fino al centro storico dove viene dato fuoco ad un grosso maiale di cartapesta, simbolo del carnevale. Il Carnevale concluderà l’edizione del 2011 con la festa della CAMPANA DEI MACCHERONI in Piazza Principe di Piemonte, in collaborazione con l’Associazione La Zizzania. Ultima occasione per bere, mangiare e ballare prima dell’inizio della Quaresima. A seguire, alle 22 all’ex macello, MIA COOPER in concerto con Mirko Signorile, Fabio Accardi, Gaetano Partipilo, Davide Penta. Una formazione tutta Puglia accompanying a vocalist in a special concert Soul R'n'B.
today, Shrove Tuesday, March 8 closes the Carnevale.Si begins at 11 am with the conference WOMEN IN COMEDY former slaughterhouse and continue to 15 Torino49 Stadium with the football match with almost serious for charitable purposes between the team FARINELLA of Putignano is one of the Priests of the carnival. In the late afternoon (19) still dances, masks, food and wine in bassi, sempre con i N’DE JOS’R e il QUARTO CORSO MASCHERATO, in notturna, prima del FUNERALE DEL CARNEVALE per le vie del centro. In un’atmosfera tutt’altro che funebre, un corteo attraversa le vie cittadine fino al centro storico dove viene dato fuoco ad un grosso maiale di cartapesta, simbolo del carnevale. Il Carnevale concluderà l’edizione del 2011 con la festa della CAMPANA DEI MACCHERONI in Piazza Principe di Piemonte, in collaborazione con l’Associazione La Zizzania. Ultima occasione per bere, mangiare e ballare prima dell’inizio della Quaresima. A seguire, alle 22 all’ex macello, MIA COOPER in concerto con Mirko Signorile, Fabio Accardi, Gaetano Partipilo, Davide Penta. Una formazione tutta Puglia accompanying a vocalist in a special concert Soul R'n'B.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6, 2011 back to the appointment with the solidarity of Gardenia AISM. On the occasion of International Women's Day, in 3000 Italian squares, thousands of volunteers from the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society will distribute 250,000 gardenia plants to support research on multiple sclerosis. Like every year, will be joined by the National Sharpshooters and the National Police and to support the Assofante AISM 10 000 volunteers in the Italian squares. The event is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic. Funds raised will help with the Gardenia AISM a potenziare l’impegno dell’Associazione nella ricerca della causa della malattia e della cura della persona con sclerosi multipla.Cinque splendide testimonial sono al fianco di AISM in questa gara di solidarietà: sono la campionessa olimpica di scherma Valentina Vezzali, la cantante Noemi, la dj Michela Andreozzi, Marianna Morandi e la madrina AISM Antonella Ferrari. Tutte sono protagoniste dello spot di Gardenia 2011, che ha il patrocinio di Pubblicità Progresso Fondazione per la Comunicazione Sociale e del Segretariato Sociale RAI.Ma in occasione di Gardenia dell’AISM puoi sostenere la ricerca scientifica in diversi modi, non solo scendendo in piazza. Per esempio, dal 28 febbraio al 13 marzo 2011 puoi inviare un sms solidale al 45509 da cellulare personale TIM, VODAFONE,WIND, 3 e COOPVOCE e per ogni chiamata allo stesso numero da rete fissa INFOSTRADA, oppure 2 o 5 euro con telefonata da TELECOM ITALIA e FASTWEB.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Russo di nascita, ma naturalizzato francese, Chagall ha attraversato diverse correnti artistiche, entrando in contatto con l'avanguardia, i gruppi parigini nel periodo che precede la prima guerra mondiale, con il cubismo ed il fauvismo, ripercorrendo nelle sue opere aspetti e periodi della propria infanzia.
A Lecce saranno esposte circa ottanta opere fra tecniche miste, acqueforti e litografie originali che rappresentano una selezione dei grandi cicli di illustrazioni ai quali Chagall si è dedicato lasciando una testimonianza di altissimo livello nella storia dell’arte contemporanea.
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GATE stands for Management, Hospitality, Technology, Energy Saving and Events; Taste , referring to wine, indicates the crucial role of typical products and local cuisine for the promotion of facilities and territory, as products can not be relocated for the production and therefore attractive elements for the incoming. The first two days of the event are reserved for the last two operators and private visitors. The event, organized by Solutiongroups Srl, sponsored by the Ministry of the main political Agriculture, Food and Forestry Ministry of Tourism, Banca Carige, by Academy Award AIBES and Barilla.
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Show Bovina Center South
10 to March 13, 2011 the New Forum Boario Walnut hosts Show Bovina Center South .
The event, organized by the Provincial Breeders Associations of Bari and Taranto, in collaboration with the National Association of Brown Swiss (ANARB) this year include the 43 th National Exhibition of the book of Brown Swiss Cattle Show and Interregional Centre-South Friesian .
Puglia is home for the first time in the history of his livestock, a National Exhibition of dairy cattle
The event, organized by the Provincial Breeders Associations of Bari and Taranto, in collaboration with the National Association of Brown Swiss (ANARB) this year include the 43 th National Exhibition of the book of Brown Swiss Cattle Show and Interregional Centre-South Friesian .
Puglia is home for the first time in the history of his livestock, a National Exhibition of dairy cattle
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I COLORI DELLA PENTOLACCIA CHE FU - storia della Pentolaccia Casamassimese in mostra
- Le foto e i video delle edizioni memorabili
- La Pentolaccia del cav. Giuseppe Pastore
- I "festini" casamassimesi
- I favolosi abiti del Club Tropicana di Pamela e Vincenzo Susca
OPENING HOURS Sunday, March 6 18:00
Show Hours: Monday 7 to Friday 11 hours: 18-21
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13: 10 am - 13 / 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Free admission
extension Carnival, with the intent to spend the people on the streets of Casamassima an afternoon of madness, the first Sunday of Lent 1977, the piñata is born CASAMASSIMESE, parade of floats and masked groups, outdoor extension of the old "party "which took place since the 20 families casamassimesi.
The merit of the initiative lies with the Tourism Association PRO LOCO Casamassima, with the aim of enhancing the Casamassimese-craftsman-ca
PRO LOCO Casamassima - Palazzo happen -
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 43
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Jc Penny Salon Locations
Party on the "Carnival of the art of fantasy Pescarella Scherzarello.
The Committee "Pescarella Scherzarello - BefanaMarinara" Tuesday, 1/3/2011, inaugurated an exhibition with 10 operedel Contest "Carnival of the art of fantasy PescarelloScherzarello" at the portico of the Public Library "R. Chiantera "Polignano a Mare, situated in the historic center.
The exhibition of works by young artists will visitabilefino 8/3/2011 to daily morning and afternoon. As for Sunday 6 / 3 èprevista the awarding of the original design was considered more commissioneesaminatrice (composed of Fisheries ... Rello, dr. Michael Grieco, the artistiGiovanni Pedote "Giopa and Angela Lomele and prof. Mastromauro Louis) with the delivery the certificates of participation.
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Balanced Future
It 'started the tour of the project designed by the Pro Loco and funded by the Ministry of Social "Balancing the Future" . The technical staff will touch all the Italian regions, where 21 locations were selected laboratory. The project received the approval of the President Istat, Enrico Giovannini , which has directly contributed to the development of questionnaires on the perception of social welfare which will be distributed locations in the lab and disseminated through the web a tutte le altre Pro Loco che vorranno così contribuire a questa grande opera di sensibilizzazione.
L’obiettivo di “B.I.L.anciamo il futuro” è quello di proseguire sulla strada della tutela e valorizzazione dei patrimoni immateriali in quanto espressione delle comunità locali e elemento fondamentale per una migliore qualità della vita e del benessere sociale.
“ Il progetto - ha dichiarato il Presidente UNPLI, Claudio Nardocci - prevede di sensibilizzare amministratori, dirigenti scolastici, associazioni e comunità locali sul valore che attività carried out by groups like the Pro Loco cover for the welfare of an entire community and that they contribute to tourism increasingly important for the country .
"Balancing the Future" is an attempt to involve local communities in reflection on the failure of the pure economic calculation of national wealth, now defined by the GDP, so that through other indicators can also enhance and quantify the environmental sustainability, social inclusion, quality of life and the value of activities such as volunteering.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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