You are all invited ... Even ItaliaIn Modugno celebrates the unity of the celebration of the sesquicentennial of the Unity of Italy the Department of Culture City of Modugno, in collaboration with the Pro Loco of Modugno, we consider it necessary and appropriate to celebrate this anniversary by promoting events that involve the entire citizenry through its most significant expressions, organized as per the attached program, thirteen initiatives with the support of institutions cittadine.Il rich program and associations of various kinds of initiatives (exhibitions, historic documents and pictures, paintings and artistic, literary meetings, concerts of patriotic music and opera performances) started March 5 and will end on 16 aprile.Il celebratory climax will take place on the afternoon of March 17, National Day, in Piazza seat with the involvement of students in middle and high schools modugnesi in a show about characters and moments reminiscent of the Renaissance and Unita 'd'Italy. The calendar of events proposed plans to propose to the citizens and not just moments of reflection on liberal values \u200b\u200bconnected to the unit 'of Italy, alla riscoperta della storia risorgimentale e delle sue testimonianze legate al territorio, al rinsaldamento dello spirito identitario della nazione, soprattutto nelle nuove generazioni, alla valorizzazione del territorio, delle sue risorse umane e dei suoi talenti, alla promozione dello spirito di collaborazione e di unione tra istituzione comunale, associazioni e cittadinanza modugnese su temi e valori condivisi. Prossime manifestazioni in programma: MERCOLEDÌ 16 - DOMENICA 30 MARZOMostra iconografica-documentariaPresso: Palazzo Regia Corte (Ex Direzione), Piazzetta La Corte. Inaugurazione: ore 18.00. Aperture: ore 10.00-12.30, 18.00-20.00Collaborazioni: Archivio di Stat di Bari,“L’UNITA’ RACCONTA. MEMORIE DOCUMENTALI RISORGIMENTALI”.A cura di: Pro Loco, Archeoclub di Modugno (Michele Ventrella, Anna Gernone, Nicola Conte).Mostra di documenti dell’Archivio storico del Comune di Modugno, concessi dall’Archivio di Stato di Bari, accresciuti da esemplari concessi da privati cittadini modugnesi.Mostra di pitturaPresso: Palazzo del Sedile (sede Pro Loco), P.zza Sedile, 22 Inaugurazione: ore 19.00. Aperture: feriali ore 18.00-21.00, festivi 10-30-12.30, 18.00-21.00.Collaborazione: Assoc. “Le Tre Impronte” di Modugno.“L’UNITA’ D’ITALIA IN ARTE: LIBERTA’ E SENTIMENTO PATRIOTTICO”.A cura di: Pro Loco (Vito Monacelli e Giuseppe Trentadue).Artisti soci delle due associazioni esporranno i loro lavori pittorici.Mostra Craft artisticoPresso: Association Cairoli, 52, Via Cairoli, 52. Opening: 19.00. Opening hours: 10.00-12.00, 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Journal naz. "The Knave", Assoc. veterans Blue Ribbon, "Association Cairoli, 52." MEMORY BECOMES PRESENCE: THE ITALIAN UNIFORMS OF LAST THREE CENTURIES "Posted by: Gianni Savino and Mazzoccoli Vignola.Esposizione statuettes of papier mache artist Gianni Lecce Mazzoccoli. Thursday 17 MARZOEvento celebrativoPresso: P.zza Seat, 22. Opening hours: 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Orchestra band "F. Casavola "SMS. F. Casavola, F. D'Assisi, D. Alighieri and ITC T. Fiore di Modugno. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ITALY! National Day. "Posted by: Pro Loco (Michele Ventrella, Franco Corriero). Excursus sang and acted on episodes and characters and historical Risorgimento Unit italiana.VENERDÌ MARZOConcertoPresso 18: Palace of Culture" Perrone, Piazza Umberto I. Opening hours: 20.00.Collaborazioni: Wind Orchestra of Santa Cecilia. "UNITY: THE ITALIAN IN MUSIC: SONGS AND NINETEENTH patriotic reasons." Posted by: The Department Cultura.Canti and patriotic music performed by the Wind of Santa Cecilia, conducted by Maestro Gennaro hiss, with the participation of soprano Antonella Giovine, the tenor Giovanni Mazzone and performance of the choir of the Mother Church. Sunday 20 MARZOConcerto liricoPresso: Palace of Culture "Perrone, Piazza Umberto I. Hours: 20.00. "GREEN FOR VOICE AND PIANO RECITAL. Edited by: Department of IP and Assets Culturali.Esecuzione of famous arias from Verdi operas, inspired by the Renaissance, performed by soprano Daniela Diomede, accompanied on the piano by Maestro Vitantonio Caroli . Saturday 26 MARZOConferenzaPresso: Conference room of the Circle "Edmondo De Amicis" Modugno, Piazza De Amicis. Hours: 17.30.Collaborazioni: Associazione Culturale Porta D'Oriente - Free Development and The Mediterranean Club De Amicis. "UNITA 'OF ITALY in the South" by: Concetta Fazio Bonina and Margaret BiscottiIncontro with the author Dr. Lino Patruno, journalist and writer, author of "The focus of the South" 2011.Concerto-spettacoloPresso Auditorium ITC T. Fiore. Hours: 20.00.IL LIVING IN MUSIC ' Nineteenth Century "Edited by: IP and Cultural Heritage Department. Risorgimento period music authors Puglia: the modugnese Saverio Nicola Faenza and Francesco triggianese Addante.Interpreti: Giulia Colapietro, mezzo-soprano, Anna Giannelli, pianist, Ada Martella, actress and dancer costumes, Mark Wine, dancer, Rocco Capri Chiamarulo, by stage, Anna Garofalo, heading off, "Valerie Canosa and Assunta Fanuli, coreografe.SABATO 2 - Friday 15 APRILEM ostra artisticaPresso Palace Royal Court (Ex Directorate), the Court Square. Opening: 19.00. Opening hours: 10.00-12.00, 18.00-20.30.Collaborazioni: Assoc. FIDAPA Section Modugno. "COLORS OF ITALY." Will display works of contemporary art (painting, sculpture, installations) of Apulian artists.
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