Friday, June 19, 2009

Where Can I Buy Brawny Trash Bags

Tutorial Morphing

Firstly it is important to understand what a morphing. The morphing is
one of the first film visual effects, created in the 90s and used for the first time in the movie "Terminator 2". It consists of the processing fluid, smooth and seamless continuity between two images of different shapes.

NOTE: The tutorial has described the demonstration purposes only and not for profit. The use of this material and responsibility of the user himself.

This is an example of morphing:

The morphing is the union between a deformation (warping) and a transition (usually a cross-fade).

This time we will not use After Effects. In After There is a plugin Effects: Effects> Distort> new shape (reshape), which can be used to create a morphing, but because of its limitations the result is never optimal.
will use a free program: WinMorph (DebugMode), simple and effective.
You can download it here: / download /

below but you can download two images to work and the project file. / download /

Once installed, the program will open and create a new project "morphing":


Il programma apre una finestra. Selezioniamo le immagini su cui lavorare.

A sinistra l'immagine iniziale, nel nostro caso l'affascinantissima Angelina Jolie, a destra quella finale la bella Jennifer Lopez, ma è più bella Angelina Jolie.


Bene, ora andiamo su "Options":

Qui è possibile selezionare la qualità in termini di precisione del morphing; il frame rate impostiamolo a 25 frame al secondo; il numero di frame, mettiamo 100 (4 secondi); e su "browse" la cartella di destinazione del video finale. Ok.


A sinistra dell'interfaccia selezioniamo il tracciato rettangolare e selezioniamo l'intera superficie della foto a sinistra, Angelina. Questa operazione serve a delimitare l'area di deformazione.


Ora con lo strumento tracciato libero disegnamo sul viso di Angelina delle linee. Questa operazione is very important. The lines should wrap all the facial features that resemble the photo in the form of Jennifer. Oval oval mouth with mouth, eyes, eyes etc. .. you should not share too complex contour, in this case, for example, it is best not to include hair, might create ugly artifacts.
each line can fit well with the instrument "Edit Shape".

If we select the button at the top "create autosets," every line that we draw on the left is duplicated on the right to another photo. The line we must adapt to the duplicate photo. It 's a bit like saying the program "this side of Angelina Make it this side of Jennifer."

For every track we go to draw, you create a form "shape", which is automatically connected to the duplicate form on the right. In the window "Elements" is the collected set of drawn shapes and how they are linked.

E 'can of course delete and modify forms and links.


Delineata e adattata una buona quantità di tracciati, selezionando a sinistra "Associate Shape" e deselezionando per comodità "show current frame" in alto, è possibile osservare tutte le forme e i relativi collegamenti.

Nel caso in cui delle forme siano rimaste scollegate (le forme collegate sono evidenziate da tanti tratti rossi), è possibile ricollegarle cliccando e trascinando la linea gialla a quella tratteggiata.


Una volta collegate tutte le forme, procediamo all'anteprima del morphing.
Riselezioniamo in high "show current frame and press the button" preview mode ".
Deselect all other instruments because they see the video in a window cleaner.

Bottom left is a slider. Spostiamolo the center to show the central part of morphing. Wait a moment, the image processing. If there is no artifacts are on track and we can run a render. At the top, press "render". This will generate an uncompressed file.avi that you can import and work in After Effects. Save often because

the program is a bit 'unstable.
It 'obvious that if two similar photos and games from the same background, the transformation is more credible.
is often necessary to do various tests to get a good result.
E 'possible to make a morphing between two videos using the same criteria, try.

Good job.


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