goes without saying that a great way to get to know, and maybe earn a lot of visits to your website is just to create your own group and begin inviting their friends. The group does not have to be a working group or a group made especially to promote your site .. just an idea, for example, a group that rallies all the fans of your favorite singer or group that shares with you a statement or bizarre famous .. anything goes.
If you create a group unrelated to the content of your site, put a link that points to something it should not be forced or repetitive, nor should it be annoying to other members who have signed up to anything but reason. Just a post with a little touch to invitations to look to other things (For example, the GDI opportunity, if he is registered).
Speaking of groups, I present to Julia ( www.guadagniweb.ws ) which has recently created a right on GDI.
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