Thursday, September 16, 2010

Letters To Clients About Moving Salons


They arrived the Tattoons , comics designed for e-generation. If once you browse secretly under the covers, are now the parents free download from the web for kids. Created by the authors of, the Tattoons come from another planet and have an extraordinary secret: chew bubble gum and use colored tattoos to gain superpowers. With an articulated, the hilarious stories of Tattoons infect all media. The first step? Click the bubble gum Tattoons (produced by Perfetti Van Melle): in each case there is a new tattoo, to "transform" into superheroes, as long as the taste of bubble gum. Then everyone on the site to download gratis le storie, i giochi da stampare e costruire insieme, la soundtrack in mp3. L'avventura continua anche con i quaderni per la scuola e i diari (Franco Panini Scuola), gli unici del genere con fumetti originali all'interno, per vivere un super-anno da ricordare. Con oltre 150.000 download del primo numero i Tattoons aprono in grande stile le nuove frontiere dei fumetti per bambini.